
The Italy-Tunisia co-development call is online – submission deadline 12 December

11-11-2022 Reading time: 2 minutes

The Italy-Tunisia co-development call for projects (drama, animation, documentary) for theatrical distribution over 52 minutes in length has been published online.

The fund has a total budget of €280k of which €180k provided by Direzione Generale Cinema e Audiovisivo – MiC and 300k Tunisian dinars (approximately €100k) provided by the Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image di Tunisi.

The contribution per individual beneficiary will amount to max €30k for majority Italian projects and max 50K dinars for majority Tunisian projects.

The projects applying for the contribution must have at least one producer with a registered office in Italy and one producer with a registered office in Tunisia to be eligible.

The Italian production companies must:

  • be companies with registered offices or operational headquarters in the European Economic Area
  • be subject to taxation in Italy due to fiscal residency or to the presence of a stable organization based in Italy that is directly connected to the project
  • non qualifiable as non-European businesses
  • qualify as independent producers
  • operate with Ateco code 59.11
  • possess, via contract or acquisition option, the rights to the creative development of the screenplay, story, treatment or other artistic material used in the creation of the film

The obligation for Italian- Tunisian co-production remains even if the beneficiary project is produced at a later date, with an Italian minority quota of no less than 30%.

Requests for funding must be sent by registered email (pec) to this address: by 23.59 (CET) on 12 December 2022.

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