
ITALY OFFERS EVERYTHING YOU NEED: the guide with all the information for shooting in Italy

15-02-2024 Redazione Reading time: 1 minute

To mark the 2024 edition of European Film Market (EFM) held alongside the 74th Berlin Film Festival, where Italy is this year’s “Country in Focus”, the Ministry of Culture’s Direzione generale Cinema e audiovisivo (DGCA) is launching the ITALY OFFERS EVERYTHING YOU NEED guide in collaboration with Italy for Movies, Cinecittà and Italian Film Commissions.

This will provide foreign industry professionals with all the relevant information about how to shoot in Italy and in co-production with an Italian producer, plus a guide to the fiscal incentives and assistance available.

It is an overview that ranges from the “foreign” tax credit to the incentives managed by the Regions and/or Film Commissions and highlights the advantages for those choosing co-productions.

There is also a list of the countries with coproduction agreements with Italy; those not included may be produced with a co-participation; the bilateral funds for co-development with Portugal, Tunisia and the Baltic countries and the current co-development and coproduction fund with France.

Two sections are dedicated to Italian minority co-productions – with an annual fund of €6M – and to the Film Distribution Fund which supports the distribution of Italian films internationally.

The guide also contains a list of useful links and a short presentation of the DGCA.