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The Solda Brook

Rio Solda (BZ), Italy

The Solda Brook

Rio Solda (BZ), Italy


The Solda Brook is a 21.4 kilometre long tributary of the Adige River, which drains an area of 161 km2. In the upper part of the waterway, there is a dam over the river for the production of electricity.

The main affluents are the Trafoi, Valle di Zay and Tramentana brooks, and the main villages the Solda Brook runs through are Solda, Stelvio and Prato allo Stelvio.

Data sheet

Tarmac road, Accessible with large vehicles, Accessible by car
Print sheet


IDM Film Fund & Commission — Alto Adige
Via del Macello, 73 — 39100 Bolzano
Phone: +39 0471 094 294
Email: luisa.giuliani@idm-suedtirol.com

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Shooting authorisation: Gemeinde Stilfs - Comune di Stelvio Bürgermeister - Sindaco Dr. Hartwig Tschenett Stilfs Dorf - Stelvio Paese 24 39029 - Stilfs - Stelvio, T +39 0473 611739, F +39 0473 611570, E info@gemeinde.stilfs.bz.it, W www.gemeinde.stilfs.bz.it