These grants are for the production of short films of regional interest.
The grant application must be made as a self-declaration using the form drawn up by the regional authorities and available on the Regione Sardegna website.
Regione Sardegna
Assessorato della Pubblica Istruzione, Beni Culturali, Informazione, Spettacolo e Sport - Direzione generale dei beni culturali, informazione, spettacolo e sport - Servizio sport, spettacolo e cinema
Responsabile del procedimento Rossana Rubiu
Telephone: +39 070 6067040, 070 6065061, 070 6065035
120% of the requested contribution.
The grant will be paid upon conclusion of the activities being funded, upon submitting the relative expense report.
An advance of up to 70% of the amount awarded may be requested, upon presentation of a bank guarantee for the same amount.
Short films projects must be completed, along with the relative expense report, within a year of the notice awarding the grant.