These grants are for screenplay projects for feature film productions of regional interest.
A maximum of 5 works are selected, of which at least one must be by a young emerging professional (a screenwriter aged between 16 and 29).
The grant application must be made as a self-declaration using the form drawn up by the regional authorities and available on the Region’s website:
Regione Sardegna
Assessorato della Pubblica Istruzione, Beni Culturali, Informazione, Spettacolo e Sport - Direzione generale dei beni culturali, informazione, spettacolo e sport - Servizio sport, spettacolo e cinema
Responsabile del procedimento: Maria Laura Corda
Telephone: +39 070 606 44 33, 070 606 44 19, 070 606 50 35
€50,000 (€80,000 for purchasing copyright for screenplays based on literary works)
Production companies must have been legally formed at least 24 months previously.
The grant will be paid upon conclusion of the activities being funded, upon submitting the relative expense report.
An advance of up to 70% of the amount awarded may be requested, upon presentation of a bank guarantee for the same amount.
Development of screenplay projects must be completed, along with the relative expense report, within a year of the notice awarding the grant.