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chiesa, church, Santa Maria Assunta, Caporciano, Bominaco, L'Aquila, Peltuinum, monastero, monastery, romanico, romanesque, collina, hill, ambone, ambo, anima, soul,  romantico, romantic, spirituale, spiritual, alberi, trees, collina, hill

Church of Santa Maria Assunta – Caporciano

Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta, Bominaco, AQ, Italia

Church of Santa Maria Assunta – Caporciano

Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta, Bominaco, AQ, Italia


The Church of Santa Maria Assunta and the Oratorio di San Pellegrino in Caporciano, a hamlet of Bominaco (AQ) are the only remaining traces of the Monastery of Momenaco which existed from the 10th century until its destruction in 1423 by Braccio di Montone. The church, a splendid example of Romanesque architecture in Abruzzo, rises on a hill surrounded by trees, just outside the residential area. Spoglia from the nearby roman city of Peltuinum was also used in its construction. Particularly striking are the back facade with its three apses, and the single-arched windows with fine sculptural decoration of vegetable and animal motifs. However, the most interesting elements are inside: the splendid ambon from 1180, the bishop’s throne commissioned by the Abbot Giovanni (painted on it) from the same artist as the ambon, the precious ciborium from 1223 and the elaborate Paschal candle on a lion stylophore which is certainly the most beautiful of the entire region. A place with a simple and refined spirit, filled with romance and spirituality.

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Film Commission d'Abruzzo
Email: filmcommission@regione.abruzzo.it

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Tax credit - Credito di imposta per le imprese di produzione di videogiochi — Legge 220/2016 (art. 15)

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