Law n° 220 of 14 November 2016 'Disciplina del cinema e dell'audiovisivo' establishes the 'Film and Audiovisual Fund' aimed at funding works through tax credits, automatic contributions and selective contributions.
The law recognises six types of tax credits:
Tax credits for production companies allow companies to offset tax liabilities (IRES – corporate income tax, IRPEF – income tax, IRAP – regional income tax, VAT, social security and insurance contributions) with credits accrued following an investment in film and audiovisual development and production.
Tax credits and other State support may not, all together, exceed 50% of the cost of the audiovisual work (this increases to 60% and 100% for certain types of works – see article 5 of the implementing decree).
DEVELOPMENT (distribution channel: CINEMA, TV, WEB)
PRODUCTION (distribution channel: CINEMA)