There is time until 29 April to submit an application to participate in the two funds, with a total budget of €1.5M, issued by the Regione Liguria to attract audio-visual production to the area and support the production of local projects.
Through the POR FESR funds, the Regione continues to invest in supporting the audio-visual industry which has proved to be an engine for economic development in the region in addition to incentivizing employment and promoting Liguria’s culture and landscape. Support through funding from previous calls resulted in 1,100 shoot days, the involvement of 590 professionals resident in Liguria and an overall return of €11M to the territory.
Each fund has a budget of €750k and allows business to access non-repayable contributions up to 80% of the investment for local development projects and up to 60% for the production of audio-visual works for national and international distribution by Italian, European or non-European businesses that locate at least 30% of the shoot days in the region.
Applications will be accepted via online system "Bandi on line" Filse only.
Read our summaries: