
Liguria: €700,000 for audiovisual production

17-03-2021 Reading time: 1 minute

The Regional government of Liguria approved the fourth call for submissions entitled “Interventi a sostegno dell’attrazione di produzioni audiovisive (Interventions to support adhesion of audiovisual productions)” on 25 February 2021. The aim is to attract domestic and international audiovisual production companies to the region to shoot feature-length films and TV series (including documentaries and animation).

The budget for the call, totalling €700,000, will offer non-repayable financing for up to 60% of the eligible expenses, for a maximum of €200,000. To be eligible, the intervention must be no less than €300,000.

Works must satisfy one of the following criteria of eligibility:

  • at least 30% of total shoot days to be located in Liguria
  • at least 20% of total estimated expenses to be spent in Liguria

Requests for financing may be submitted through the online system at the following website from 23/03 to 23/04/2021.

Read the call (Italian)

Read our summary