
Marche Region: €250k to support audiovisual productions in 2022-2023


The Marche Region has instituted a €250k call for tenders (2022-2023) to support productions working in the region in order to grow the competitiveness and expertise of the micro, small and medium businesses and professionals in the audio-visual industry based in the area. In addition, the call supports the professional growth of the younger generations, gender parity and the use of environmental sustainability models on set.

The Regione Marche’s support will be rolled out with the assistance of Fondazione Marche Cultura, through the technical department responsible for the audio-visual sector, Marche Film Commission.

Businesses eligible for support are producers or majority/minority co-producers legally or operationally based in the Marche region for at least 12 months prior to the request. Eligible works include feature-length films, short films and documentaries, including those using animation techniques, entirely or partially.  The grant – no greater than 50% of the eligible costs (70% for “difficult” films) – ranges from €70k for feature-length films to €40k for short films and €20k for documentaries.

The deadline for submission of the required paperwork is Friday 16 September. Submissions must be made by PEC registered email to

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