A new session for submissions for the so-called “foreign tax credit”, the tax credit for executive production of foreign works, is now open: applications may be submitted from 10 a.m. on 10 January 2023 to 11.59 p.m. on 17 February 2023 (CET) through the DGCOL platform that can be accessed from the website of the Direzione generale Cinema e audiovisivo of the Ministry of Culture.
Applications may be submitted for works that have already been completed (totally or in part); for works that will have completed at least two weeks of workwithin the 90 days following the date of submission; or works that have completed 25% (minimum) of the work days.
The following costs are eligible for inclusion in the calculation of the tax credit, to a maximum of 80% of the overall cost of the production:
For more information about how to submit an application, consult the announcement on the DGCA website.
A summary of the legislation is available in the Funding section on the Italy for Movies portal.