
Regione Campania - Contributions in support of cinema: deadline 13 July


Regione Campania has approved the guidelines for the Piano operativo annuale di promozione dell’attività cinematografica e audiovisiva 2023 and published the following public announcement – Contributi a sostegno della produzione, la valorizzazione e la fruizione della cultura cinematografica e audiovisiva anno 2023 (Contributions to support production, promotion and consumption of audiovisual and cinema culture, year 2023) with a budget of €4.5 million.

The fund is divided into three sections, as following:

  • Section 1.Audiovisual works €2,500,000:

1.1 Development / pre-production €600,000
1.2 Production €1,900,000

  • Section 2. Promotion of cinema and audiovisual culture and awareness-raising of cinema culture €1,300,000
  • Section 3. Support for the actualization and principles of localization € 700,000

The most significant chunk of the budget made available by the Regione is earmarked for production.

To access funding, companies must prove they operate in the field of production and post-production with the Ateco codes 59.11 & 59.12 and, when requesting support for development, have legal and operational headquarters in Campania; 100% of the grant must be spent but not necessarily in Campania.  Grants for production funding, however, bring the obligation of spending and working in the territory, in varying degrees according to the type of product.

The deadline for applications is 13 July.