
Alliance 4 Development - Locarno Film Festival - The call is open

18-04-2024 Redazione Reading time: 3 minutes

Alliance 4 Development (A4D) is a co-development program for film projects from Austria, France, Germany, Italy and Switzerland hosted by Locarno Pro. The aim of the program is to future-proof the market potential of the projects and foster long-term creative and business ties between the targeted countries.

Taking place at the 77th Locarno Film Festival during its industry program Locarno Pro (August 8 to 13, 2024), Alliance 4 Development will select eleven projects: two from Austria, France, Germany and Italy, and three from Switzerland. The selected projects will take part in a dedicated three-day program to enhance their project's co-production potential through curated one-on-one meetings, pitching sessions, networking events, lunches, workshops, and feedback sessions with industry guests attending Locarno Pro.

Projects can now be submitted via the websites of the respective A4D partner until April 26:


Here you can find the guidelines in English, and here's the A4D Submission Form.

The application should be submitted by the majority co-producer to the partner institute of their country-of-origin.

The projects will also compete for several awards: the Alphapanda Market Breakout Award, consisting in consultancy services in the value of 3,500 €; a script consultancy residency at DreamAgo, offered by the Valais Film Commission, worth 5,000 CHF; the MIDPOINT Consulting Award for an in-depth online script consultancy with one of the MIDPOINT Institute experts; the Ticino Film Commission Residence Award, which consists of a 2-day location scout (worth 4,000 CHF) and Letter of Intent (LOI) for financial support for the production company (worth up to 12,000 CHF), if all or part of the film will be shot in Ticino.

Alliance 4 Development is possible thanks to partnerships with CNC (Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée), France; FFA (Filmförderungsanstalt), Germany; DGCA-MiC (Direzione Generale Cinema e Audiovisivo del Ministero della Cultura), Italy; ÖFI (Österreichisches Filminstitut), Austria; the Federal Office of Culture (FOC) / MEDIA Desk Suisse, Switzerland. A4D is also made possible by contributions from Eurimages, which promotes and sponsors one of the initiative's networking events, and from the European Producers Club, which offers consultancy on the various issues covered.

The Project Manager of the Alliance 4 Development is Francesca Palleschi. For more information, please contact her at: