The websites for Cinecittà and DG Cinema e audiovisivo have posted the official announcement (decreto direttoriale), dated 22 March 2024, of the results for Call II 2023 applications, the list of successful applicants, plus those who did not meet the eligibility requirements outlined in the 2023 guidelines for the Film Distribution Fund.
The Ministry of Culture fund, aimed at incentivizing the international distribution of Italian films, had a budget for 2023 of €2.1M divided into three sessions. The beneficiaries are European and international distributors, for a maximum of €50k per title per country for theatrical distribution and €15k for internet distribution.
In accordance with Art. 10b, Law 241/1990, those involved have the right to present their written observations on the amount of the grant, with any relevant documentation, within 15 days of publication of the announcement.