
Piemonte Film TV Fund – Session II deadline on 10 October

11-09-2024 Redazione Reading time: 2 minutes

Session II of the Regione Piemonte’s Piemonte Film TV Fund call is open until 10 October. The measure provides non-repayable contributions to support companies in the audiovisual, cinematographic and television production industry.

The funding tool aims to increase and enhance investments that can contribute to developing the economy and employment in the region with the creation of new companies and by consolidating investment in new productions with already established companies by making them more competitive.

The overall allocation for 2024 was € 4 M: accordingly, Session II has a budget of € 2 M.

Fundable projects - which must be completed within 18 months (fiction) / 30 months (animation) - are audio-visual works that meet the following requirements:

  • feature-length films, intended for theatrical release;
  • animated feature films with a minimum duration of 52 minutes, intended for theatrical release;
  • standalone television and web fiction works, intended primarily for television broadcast, including SVOD;
  • standalone television and web animation works with a minimum duration of 24 minutes, intended primarily for television broadcast, including SVOD;
  • serial television and web fiction works, intended primarily for television broadcast, including SVOD;
  • serial television and web animation works with a minimum duration of 24 minutes, intended primarily for television broadcast, including SVOD.

The maximum contribution in each case is:

  • €150 K for standalone television and web animation works;
  • € 300 K for feature-length films and standalone television and web fiction works;
  • € 400 K for animated feature-length films; animation series for television and web; and series for television and web.

See the announcement.