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Regional and Facilities

Interventions to support the development and production of audio-visual projects

Session opening:

  • 14.05.2024

Session expirations:

  • 03.06.2024 Closed


The aim of the call for applications is to encourage the growth of audio-visual production businesses through supporting the development and production of audio-visual projects.  Applications must be submitted online, through the Bandi on line system on the internet site www.filse.it.


  • Genova Liguria Film Commission
  • Villa Durazzo Bombrini — Via L. A. Muratori 5 (ingresso principale) — 16152 Genova Cornigliano
  • Phone: +39 010 868 0850
  • Fax: +39 010 868 1399
  • Email: info@glfc.it
Link to the call Print Tab

Data sheet


  • Italian Film or co-production
  • Foreign film

Distribution channel

  • Cinema
  • Television
  • Web

Film industry branch

  • Development
  • Production


  • selective

Eligible projects

  • Feature Film
  • Short Film
  • TV series
  • Documentary
  • Animation
  • Web product


  • Industry Professional - Italy
  • Production companies / associations legally or operationally headquartered in Liguria

Minimum Contribution


  • Feature film: €25,000
  • TV series: €7,000
  • Web series: €2,000
  • Short film: €2,000

Maximum contribution


  • Feature film: €30,000
  • TV series: €10,000
  • Web series: €3,000
  • Short film: €3,000


  • Feature film: €120,000
  • TV series: €120,000
  • Web series: €15,000
  • Short film: €30,000

Maximum quota on cost

  • Development: 80%
  • Production: 60%

Type of contribution

  • Non-repayable grants


To submit applications for the DEVELOPMENT fund, businesses and associations must have the following requisites:

  • Are active, inscribed in the business register or have a partita IVA fiscal code and ATECO 59.11 code (businesses); or are inscribed in the REA and have a statute that specifies audio-visual production as the prevalent activity (associations);
  • Are independent producers;
  • Have legal or operational headquarters in Liguria or commit to opening an office in Liguria before payment of the first rate;
  • Possess at least 50% of the rights to the project concept, directly or through a contract optioning the transfer of rights;
  • Can demonstrate with official credits, previous experience in audio-visual production.

To submit applications for the PRODUCTION fund, audio-visual, cinema and television production companies must have the following requisites:

  • Work prevalently in film and audio-visual production, possess ATECO 59.11 code, are active and inscribed in the business register or an equal classification if European;
  • Are independent producers;
  • Have legal or operational headquarters in Liguria or commit to opening an office in Liguria before payment of the first rate;
  • Are sole producers, co-producers or possess an executive production contract with the production company producing the audio-visual work;
  • Are in possession of a distribution contract signed with a cinema distributor / broadcaster (distribution contracts, deal memos, or letter of intent for distribution or pre-acquisition or co-production or activation contract with a broadcaster or SVOD or VOD platform – a letter of interest is not sufficient);
  • Can demonstrate with official credits, previous experience in audio-visual production.

Eligible projects include:

DEVELOPMENT fund:  the development of audio-visual projects by businesses or associations headquartered in Liguria for national and international distribution.

PRODUCTION fund: the production of audio-visual works by businesses headquartered in Liguria for national and international distribution, that fulfils one of the following criteria:

  • Locate at least 30% of shoot days in the region of Liguria
  • Spend at least 20% of budgeted cost in the region of Liguria

The eligible project cannot be less than:


  • Web series and short films: €2,500
  • TV series: €8,750
  • Feature-length films: €31,250


Payment schedule

The grant will be paid within 90 days of the beneficiary submitting their application, as follows:

  • an advance of 40% at the beneficiary’s request upon submitting a bank guarantee, insurance policy or guarantee or, in the alternative: 
  • a deposit of 40% upon completing 50% of the project and submitting certified proof of expenses and all other documentation requested electronically
  • the remaining 60% upon submitting certified proof of expenses and the requested documentation electronically.

Fundings in focus

All fundings