Grand Hotel is a crime thriller interwoven with a love story and set against the backdrop of the Belle Époque, when it was still difficult, between gala dinners and mannerisms, for an aristocratic woman and a man of humble origins to achieve their dream of being together. Filming took place in Alto Adige, in Mareta, Glurns, Stava-Naturns and Tarces.
The Grand Hotel which lends its name to the title of the series is the central location in the story. It is referred to as “Paradise” and is typical of luxury Alpine hotels from the early 20th century: the external shots were taken in Castel Wolfsthurn, which sits on a hill overlooking Mareta, near Vipiteno in Eisack Valley. The Baroque building has been home, since 1996, to the provincial Hunting and Fishing Museum. The interiors, including the sumptuous hall, were instead reconstructed at Tiburtina Studios in Rome.
In the series, there is a lake in front of the hotel, where in reality there’s actually a large expanse of grass. The lake used for the series was Lake Anterselva (Antholzer See in German), an Alpine lake located 1,642 metres above sea level in the valley of the same name.
A lot of the external shots were taken in one of the “most beautiful villages in Italy”, or rather Glurns, a small town 907 metres above sea level located in the middle of the Vinschgau Valley, which is characterised by its perfectly preserved Medieval walls.
Grand Hotel is a crime thriller interwoven with a love story and set against the backdrop of the Belle Époque, when it was still difficult, between gala dinners and mannerisms, for an aristocratic woman and a man of humble origins to achieve their dream of being together. Filming took place in Alto Adige, in Mareta, Glurns, Stava-Naturns and Tarces.
The Grand Hotel which lends its name to the title of the series is the central location in the story. It is referred to as “Paradise” and is typical of luxury Alpine hotels from the early 20th century: the external shots were taken in Castel Wolfsthurn, which sits on a hill overlooking Mareta, near Vipiteno in Eisack Valley. The Baroque building has been home, since 1996, to the provincial Hunting and Fishing Museum. The interiors, including the sumptuous hall, were instead reconstructed at Tiburtina Studios in Rome.
In the series, there is a lake in front of the hotel, where in reality there’s actually a large expanse of grass. The lake used for the series was Lake Anterselva (Antholzer See in German), an Alpine lake located 1,642 metres above sea level in the valley of the same name.
A lot of the external shots were taken in one of the “most beautiful villages in Italy”, or rather Glurns, a small town 907 metres above sea level located in the middle of the Vinschgau Valley, which is characterised by its perfectly preserved Medieval walls.
Pietro Neri, a boy of humble origins, gets a job working as a waiter in a luxury hotel in a mountain valley to investigate the disappearance of his sister Caterina. In the meantime, he falls in love with the aristocratic Adele Alibrandi, the daughter of the owners, whose hand is promised to the hotel manager.