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<p>cineturismo, location, cinema, turismo, film tourism, movie tour, Val Rosandra, Dolina Glinšcice, San Dorligo della Valle, Hrpelje-Kozina, Rosandra, Trieste, confine, Slovenia, grotte, cave, cascate, waterfall, via del sale, salt road, baia, muggia, acquedotto</p>

Carso Val Rosandra

Riserva Naturale della Val Rosandra, Località Bagnoli della Rosandra, San Dorligo della Valle, TS, Italia

Carso Val Rosandra

Riserva Naturale della Val Rosandra, Località Bagnoli della Rosandra, San Dorligo della Valle, TS, Italia


Val Rosandra (in Slovenian Dolina Glinšice) is situated on the border between the municipalities of San Dorligo della Valle (Dolina) (TS) and Erpelle-Cosina in Slovenia. The valley, today a nature reserve, is sliced through by the Rosandra river which begins in Slovenia then flows along the karst plateau until it descends and falls into the sea in the Muggia bay. Inhabited since antiquity, Val Rosandra was long contested by Trieste and Muggia for control of the famous trail known as the via del sale | salt road.

The wild valley landscape features cliffs, screes and sheer rockfaces, the river’s final waterfall and the canyons it winds through and numerous caves that have made the valley the focus of speleological investigation, rock climbing and study of its karst topography. There are openings in the mountain on the right side of the valley known as horizontal caves, featuring small tunnels known as windows.

In the 1st century CE, the Romans built an aqueduct at the source of the Rosandra river which extended 14 km to Trieste: several hundreds of metres of its ruins are visible today.

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Tarmac road, Unmade road, Trail
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Friuli Venezia Giulia Film Commission
Piazza Duca degli Abruzzi 3 — 34132 Trieste
Phone: +39 040 3720142
Email: filmcommission@promoturismo.fvg.it

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Region Friuli Venezia Giulia
Friuli Venezia Giulia Film Fund

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