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cineturismo, location, cinema, turismo, film tourism, movie tour, Tavolara, Porto San Paolo, Olbia, Spalmatore di Terra, detta Teddja Liscia, Molara, Molarotto, Area Marina Protetta Tavolara Punta Coda Cavallo, Tavolara Punta Coda Cavallo Marine Protected Area, Sardegna, Sardinia

Tavolara Island

Tavolara, Olbia, OT, Italia

Tavolara Island

Tavolara, Olbia, OT, Italia


Tavolara is a limestone and granite mountain that rises up from the sea, 560m high and 4km long, featuring rugged and steep rocks. The island is part of the territory of Olbia and, in front of it, on the mainland, is Porto San Paolo, from which boats depart to reach the island. Its history is linked to King Charles Albert of Savoy who, according to a legend, arrived on its coasts in search of the legendary goats with teeth of gold, which were probably yellow from eating helichrysum, and named king of the island Paolo Bertoleoni, its sole inhabitant. His descendants are still the only residents (and guardians) on Tavolara.

In the eastern area of Spalmatore di Terra, where there is a little port, dining facilities and a small group of houses, there are small beaches, fringed with sea daffodils. The entire territory is dotted with Mediterranean scrub, where the yellow helichrysum, wild geranium and a type of campanula known as the ‘Little star of Tavolara’ all stand out.

Tavolara, particularly the southern area known as Teddja Liscia, and the nearby islets of Molara and Molarotto, which belong to the Tavolara - Punta Coda Cavallo Marine Protected Area, are environments rich in biodiversity and populated by schools of trusting fish offer unforgettable sights.

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Accessible by boat
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Fondazione Sardegna Film Commission
Via Malta 63 — 09124 Cagliari
Phone: +39 070 2041961
Email: filmcommission@regione.sardegna.it

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Region Sardegna
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