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Scanno, L'Aquila,  paese, fotografi, photographers, village, chiesa, church, museo, museum, lago, lake, gola, gorge, eremo, hermitage, panorama, landscape, costume tradizionale, traditional costume, ruderi, ruin,museo della lana,abruzzo,location,cineturismo,Parco Nazionale d’Abruzzo, eremo di sant'egidio,frattura, fantasma, ghost


Scanno, AQ, Italia


Scanno, AQ, Italia


Scanno (AQ) is a village that stands at the entrance to the Parco Nazionale d’Abruzzo and is also known as the village of photographers. Ancient houses huddle close to each other while the churches, small noble buildings, the Museo della Lana, staircases, narrow alleys, picturesque views and traditional costumes still worn by the womenfolk today make it very picturesque. Its heart-shaped lake is a jewel set in the mountains, created when a huge mudslide dammed the river Tasso in the Valle del Sagittario. Wrapped in the warm changing colours of autumn, it later reflects the glimmer of winter silver and takes on the intense green of the summer. Even the approach route is striking with narrow canyons and vertiginous rocks. Worthy of mention are the Hermitage of Sant’Egidio (12th century) on the hill of that name and Frattura Vecchia, a hamlet which offers a breath-taking view of Scanno and the lake. Although some houses have been restructured and provided with running water and electricity, the ancient settlement of Frattura is mostly in ruins and has the extraordinary charm of an abandoned ghost town.

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Tarmac road, Accessible by car
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Film Commission d'Abruzzo
Email: filmcommission@regione.abruzzo.it

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All fundings for this location
Tax credit - Credito di imposta per le imprese di produzione di videogiochi — Legge 220/2016 (art. 15)

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Region: Abruzzo Type: Village