The Hermitage of the Madonna della Stella is located in the Valley of Noce, near Roccatamburo, hamlet of Poggiodomo (PG). The only sounds in this peaceful place are from the surrounding woods and the running of the little river that follows through the valley at the foot of the sacred complex built entirely of rock, on top of a steep craggy cliff.
It arose in the 7th century as Benedictine Monastic Cell under the supervision of the Farfa Abbey in Sabina, then it passed on to the Abbey of St. Peter in Valley near Ferentillo, always as Benedictine Hermitage. Afterwards the cell was transformed into a monastery that took the name of St. Benedict in Faucibus or Vallibus. In 1294 the monastery was donated to St. Giovanni in Laterano due to a lack of monks. In 1308 the Augustinians from Cascia built the hermitage of St. Croce and carved into the rock about twenty cells that are today still visible but not all accessible, and a small church also half- carved in the rock. In 1416 the church was frescoed, and these frescoes belong to the Umbrian school influenced by Siena. In 1525 the church was restored by the Municipality of Cascia. In 1630 the hermits started to leave this place.
In April 1809 two young men of Roccatamburo discovered the remains of the church and in front of them they saw the picture of the Madonna. he news of the miraculous apparitions spread, but it was only ancient frescoes. The church was removed and the hermitage of Santa Croce was called “Madonna della Stella” because the painting of the Lady’s robe on the wall presented star-shaped crosses. The hermitage is still destination of processions from neighbouring towns. Many heart-shaped former votes still hang on the wall for grace received.
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