The Regional government of Emilia-Romagna has approved new calls for the production of audio-visual works launching in 2022. The Region has adopted this method to support the production of film and cultural audio-visual works in Emilia-Romagna that contribute to the development of the regional industry and to enhancing the professional standards of its various components.
The overall budget of € 2.25 million is divided into two calls with two sessions scheduled for the presentation of applications: the deadline for the first, active from 2 January is 28 febbraio 2022; the second will be open from 1 to 31 July 2022.
The first call, with a budget of €1.65 million is aimed at domestic and international companies. Eligible works are divided into two sections: SECTION A, with €450,000 earmarked, is for films for theatrical release and television works (films and series) that possess great significance for the promotion of film culture and reach the required standards of quality and economic impact on the industry; SECTION B is for all the other films for theatrical release, television works (films and series), documentaries and web series and has €700,000 for the first evaluation session and €500,000 for the second.
The second call, aimed at companies based in Emilia-Romagna, has a €600,000 budget divided in two sessions, €350,000 and €250,000 respectively. All film and audio-visual projects are eligible (maximum contribution of €150,000), as are documentaries (€50,000), short films and web projects (€25,000) including works of animation.