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LOMBARDIA PER IL CINEMA - Call in support of audiovisual and cinema production businesses

Session opening:

  • 26.10.2023

Session expirations:

  • 18.01.2024 Closed


The LOMBARDIA PER IL CINEMA call supports small and medium-sized enterprises in the audiovisual and cinema production sector (ATECO code 59.11) for the production of audiovisual works of cultural value in Lombardy, intended for national and international distribution.

The call, with a total financial endowment of €3 M, is open to audiovisual works created in Lombardy, from the categories below:

Line A | €2.4 M:
A.1 fiction or animated feature-length films with a minimum running time of 52 minutes
A.2 fiction or animation series

Line B | €600 k:
B.1 documentaries with a minimum running time of 52 minutes, including animation
B.2 documentary series, including animation


Link to the call Print Tab

Data sheet


  • Italian Film or co-production
  • Foreign film

Distribution channel

  • Cinema
  • Television

Film industry branch

  • Production


  • selective

Eligible projects

  • Feature Film
  • Feature Film - First Work
  • Feature Film - Second Work
  • TV series
  • Documentary
  • Animation


  • Italian production company
  • European production company
  • Non-European production company
  • Industry Professional - Italy
  • Industry Professional - Europe
  • Industry Professional - Outside Europe

Maximum contribution

A.1: €250 K for feature-length animated or fiction films
A.2: €300 K for fiction or animated series
B.1: €75 K for standalone documentaries
B.2: €150 K for documentary series

Maximum quota on cost


Type of contribution

  • Non-repayable grants


  • Obligation to use local workforce

Participation is open to small and medium-sized businesses that meet the following requirements:

  1. is registered as "Active" with primary or secondary code ATECO 2007, J 59.11, NACE J 59.11 code at the Companies Register (Registro delle Imprese) at the regional Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture or the equivalent in a member state of the European Union;
  2. was established no less than two years before the date of the application submission, having filed at least two annual financial statements or, in the case of entities exempt from filing financial statements, having submitted at least two tax returns;
  3. are independent producers;
  4. are the sole producers; or co-producers of the audiovisual work presented - 10% minimum for international co-productions, 20% minimum for domestic co-productions; or have an executive production contract with the production company of the audiovisual work;
  5. have an operational headquarters in Lombardia (with certification from the Chamber of Commerce) or commits to activating one before the deadlines for the disbursement of the advance and/or balance of the grant;
  6. have not yet started work in Lombardy on the audiovisual production specified in the application;
  7. operate in compliance with the national and regional collective work contract and relevant fiscal obligations.

Payment schedule

The grant will be disbursed in a maximum of two payments:

  1. Advance - optional - of 40% of the total grant; upon presentation of a regular bank or insurance guarantee;
  2. Balance after conclusion of the production and verification of the final accounting report of the project.

If the beneficiary does not request an advance, the disbursement will be a single payment after the conclusion of the project and the verification of the final accounting.



Applications will only be accepted in electronic form, through Bandi Online.

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