The storyline alternates between weeping, lamenting, encounters with an extraordinary demon, and sacrifices with a hammer, a saw and a plane. Christ’s work is making his own cross by himself since every man ends up on his own cross. As involuntary author Rezza underlines the precise philological exactness of the first part of the story. The film is narrative up to Christ’s baptism. Then it deviates towards unknown places, it escapes, it’s as if the body, erupting into the story, rips the work from the author that the story controls.
The storyline alternates between weeping, lamenting, encounters with an extraordinary demon, and sacrifices with a hammer, a saw and a plane. Christ’s work is making his own cross by himself since every man ends up on his own cross. As involuntary author Rezza underlines the precise philological exactness of the first part of the story. The film is narrative up to Christ’s baptism. Then it deviates towards unknown places, it escapes, it’s as if the body, erupting into the story, rips the work from the author that the story controls.