The Netflix series Kaos, created by Charlie Covell, is set in a present where the gods of Greek classicism are still worshipped and Zeus, the linchpin of a large dysfunctional family, lives with Hera on mount Olympus.
The king of the gods (Jeff Goldblum) wakes one day to find a wrinkle on his forehead which marks the beginning of a midlife crisis that makes him neurotic and paranoid: convinced that it is the beginning of his downfall, he sees signs everywhere. Queen Hera (Janet McTeer) rules the Earth and Zeus in her own way, but her power and freedom are threatened by his growing paranoia, forcing her to take action; meanwhile Zeus's wayward son Dionysus (Nabhaan Rizwan) has lost his temper and is on a collision course with his father. Hades (David Thewlis), king of the underworld and once Zeus's trustworthy brother, is starting to lose control of his dark kingdom, as the number of dead waiting to be redistributed increases and discontent grows.
On Earth, people want change, but Poseidon (Cliff Curtis), who rules the seas, storms and earthquakes (and horses), cares more about the size of his megayacht and the location of the next party. The welfare of mere mortals doesn't seem to matter to him. Unfortunately for the gods, some humans are starting to realize this: Riddi (Aurora Perrineau), Orpheus (Killian Scott), Ceneo (Misia Butler) and Arianna (Leila Farzad) have very different lives but are cosmically linked in the fight against Zeus. Each one could cause the fall of the gods.
The series was filmed in Spain, the United Kingdom and Italy. In Italy, locations included the Royal Palace of Caserta, which serves as the home of the gods, and the gardens of Villa d'Este in Tivoli which were "placed" on mount Olympus.
The Netflix series Kaos, created by Charlie Covell, is set in a present where the gods of Greek classicism are still worshipped and Zeus, the linchpin of a large dysfunctional family, lives with Hera on mount Olympus.
The king of the gods (Jeff Goldblum) wakes one day to find a wrinkle on his forehead which marks the beginning of a midlife crisis that makes him neurotic and paranoid: convinced that it is the beginning of his downfall, he sees signs everywhere. Queen Hera (Janet McTeer) rules the Earth and Zeus in her own way, but her power and freedom are threatened by his growing paranoia, forcing her to take action; meanwhile Zeus's wayward son Dionysus (Nabhaan Rizwan) has lost his temper and is on a collision course with his father. Hades (David Thewlis), king of the underworld and once Zeus's trustworthy brother, is starting to lose control of his dark kingdom, as the number of dead waiting to be redistributed increases and discontent grows.
On Earth, people want change, but Poseidon (Cliff Curtis), who rules the seas, storms and earthquakes (and horses), cares more about the size of his megayacht and the location of the next party. The welfare of mere mortals doesn't seem to matter to him. Unfortunately for the gods, some humans are starting to realize this: Riddi (Aurora Perrineau), Orpheus (Killian Scott), Ceneo (Misia Butler) and Arianna (Leila Farzad) have very different lives but are cosmically linked in the fight against Zeus. Each one could cause the fall of the gods.
The series was filmed in Spain, the United Kingdom and Italy. In Italy, locations included the Royal Palace of Caserta, which serves as the home of the gods, and the gardens of Villa d'Este in Tivoli which were "placed" on mount Olympus.
In an alternate present, omnipotent god, Zeus, seems to be in the grips of a midlife crisis. With the king of the gods suffering from paranoia, discord reigns on Olympus, but a few mortals seem destined to change the future of humanity.