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cineturismo, location, cinema, turismo, film tourism, movie tour, Porto di goro, Goro Harbour, marina, porto peschereccio, fishing port, Delta del Po, Po valley, pesca, fishing, mitilicoltura, fish breeding, flottiglia, fleet, Gorino, Emilia, Romagna

Goro Harbour

Porto di Goro, Via del Mercato Nuovo, Goro, FE, Italia

Goro Harbour

Porto di Goro, Via del Mercato Nuovo, Goro, FE, Italia


An important fishing port on the Adriatic Sea, many tourist ships leave from Goro to explore the Po valley. The ancient hydraulic engineering buildings illustrate the continuous fight of man against the water of the sea and the river in its history.

Today Goro is a modern harbour that conserves traces of a long-ago fishing village. Fishing and fish breeding are the leading mainstays of the local economy with its fleet counting over 2,500 boats. The harbours of Goro and nearby Gorino have seen a boost in tourism recently as boats leave from here to explore the area of the Po valley.

Data sheet

Tarmac road, Accessible with large vehicles, Accessible by boat
Print sheet


Emilia-Romagna Film Commission
Viale Aldo Moro 38 — 40127 Bologna
Phone: +39 051 5278753
Email: filmcom@regione.emilia-romagna.it

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Region Emilia-Romagna
Facilities Emilia-Romagna

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Film drama
Directed by: Michele Vannucci