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Archaeological Park of the Tombs of via Latina – Roma

Parco archeologico delle Tombe di via Latina, Via dell'Arco di Travertino, Roma, RM, Italia

Archaeological Park of the Tombs of via Latina – Roma

Parco archeologico delle Tombe di via Latina, Via dell'Arco di Travertino, Roma, RM, Italia


The Archaeological Park of the Tombs of via Latina is a funerary complex that dates to the 2nd century, located in the Tuscolano neighbourhood of Rome. The park, crossed by the ancient via Latina, was created in 1879 after the State had acquired an area of about two hectares where many artefacts of the Roman era had been unearthed. There are still funerary monuments and artefacts dating to the Republic and High Middle Ages present in the park. The tombs are mostly intact, with polychrome decorations on the facades and interiors, including frescoes of funerary scenes, mosaic flooring and painted or plastered vaults.
One of the most famous funerary monuments, situated near the entrance, is the sepulchre of the Corneli or Barberini, dating to the 2nd century C.E. which has two storeys above ground and a hypogeum, an underground burial chamber: the upper floor has a cross vault with frescoed plaster on a red background and some decorative plaster elements with groups of people, winged victory on a carriage, cherubs, marine creatures, birds, myths and architectural backgrounds. The Valerii sepulchre, which dates to 160-170 C.E., has decorations inspired by Dionysus, female figures and marine creatures with frames around the lunettes and the barrel vaults of the underground chamber. The Pancrazi sepulchre, dating to the end of the 1st century C.E., stands near the Valerii sepulchre: its two chambers are decorated with mosaic flooring while the vaults and walls are frescoed with scenes from myths, natural and built landscapes, female figures and animals.

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Tarmac road, Accessible by car
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Roma Lazio Film Commission
Via Parigi 11 – 00185, Roma
Phone: +39 06 72286273/320
Fax: +39 06 722 1127
Email: info@romalaziofilmcommission.it

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