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Park of Villa Gregoriana – Tivoli

Parco Villa Gregoriana, Largo Sant'Angelo, Tivoli, RM, Italia

Park of Villa Gregoriana – Tivoli

Parco Villa Gregoriana, Largo Sant'Angelo, Tivoli, RM, Italia


A place of great historical and naturalistic significance, Villa Gregoriana is located in the steep valley between the right bank of the river Aniene and the ancient Roman acropolis in Tivoli.
Commissioned by Pope Gregory XVI in approx. 1834, this splendid pristine area became an unmissable destination for artists and aristocrats. The villa is famous for its large waterfall, the caves of Neptune and the caves of the mermaids, large caverns carved out by the Aniene beneath the area of the temple to Vesta. Vast hydraulic engineering works created a waterfall which, to contain the continual flooding of the Aniene, channelled the water into a double gallery dug into monte Catillo and added to it thereby producing the 120m drop of the large waterfall.
Gregory XVI also built the Gregorian bridge which links the park to the historical centre of Tivoli, creating a viewpoint over the park and its surroundings.

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Tarmac road, Unmade road, Accessible with large vehicles, Accessible by car, Accessible with off-road vehicles
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FAI - Fondo Ambiente Italiano
Via Carlo Foldi 2 - 20135 Milano
Phone: +39 02 46 76 15 393
Email: m.pizzorni@fondoambiente.it

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Region Lazio
Facilities Lazio

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Other audiovisual works filmed in the place:

- Franco Zeffirelli, Omaggio a Roma, 2009, with Andrea Bocelli and Monica Bellucci

- TV programm That’s My Country, Rai Italia, 2016

Some works made in this location

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Grand Tour. Viaggio in Italia
Docuseries - 6 episodes

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