The Albornotian Fortress stands on the top of the Colle Sant'Elia in Spoleto (PG). It was built by the powerful Spanish Cardinal Albornoz from 1359, by the will of Pope Innocent VI who wanted to restore the authority of the Pope (who then lived in Avignon), in his territories. The planimetric plant is rectangular with six towers with pecking: on the North side there is the court of Arms, destined to military functions, on the South side there is the court of Honor, with residential and representative functions. Until the middle of the 18th century, the fortress hosted the papal governors and the major figures of the time. In 1817 it became a prison and the large influx of prisoners led to the construction of a further building. The prison seat lasted until 1983, after which the fortress underwent an important restoration that brought back its ancient splendour. The restoration has brought to light numerous pictorial testimonies from the late 14th century to the 18th century. From the avenues that lap it is possible to enjoy a splendid view on Spoleto, the southern part of the Umbrian valley and Monteluco.
Fondazione Umbria Film Commission
Via M. Angeloni 61 — 06124 Perugia
Phone: 075-5045878