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Church of Holy Guardian Angels – Rome

Chiesa Santi Angeli Custodi, Via delle Alpi Apuane, Roma, RM, Italia

Church of Holy Guardian Angels – Rome

Chiesa Santi Angeli Custodi, Via delle Alpi Apuane, Roma, RM, Italia



The Church of the Holy Guardian Angels in piazza Sempione, Rome was built between 1924-1925 to a plan by architect Gustavo Giovannoni by the Consorzio Città Giardino Aniene (which succeeded the Istituto Autonomo delle Case Popolari); Pope Pius XI contributed one million lira to its cost.
The church has a monumental outline with classical forms and a cupola. The two orders of the façade are separated by the inscription Angelis custodibus (Guardian Angels). Beneath the tympanum is a rose window while the lower order has a portal embellished with columns, baldachin and architrave.
The interiors are richly decorated: the cupola was frescoed in 1962 by Aronne Del Vecchio; the chapels were created by Michele De Angelis; the high altar is adorned with angels.
The church was visited by pope John Paul II on 6 April 1986 and was dedicated to the Guardian Angels in memory of the Church of the Holy Guardian Angels al Tritone scheduled for demolition at the end of the 1920s.

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Tarmac road, Accessible with large vehicles, Accessible by car
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Roma Lazio Film Commission
Via Parigi 11 – 00185, Roma
Phone: +39 06 72286273/320
Fax: +39 06 722 1127
Email: info@romalaziofilmcommission.it

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