The Networks of European festivals shall provide support to coordinated/collaborative activities among European audiovisual festivals aiming at increasing audiences' interest in non-national European audiovisual content and promoting its circulation and visibility.
Expected impact:
- Reinforce cooperation among European audiovisual festivals members of a Network screening a significant proportion of non-national European films
and audiovisual works through coordinated/collaborative activities targeted to expand and renew audiences;
- Increase the impact of European audiovisual festivals aiming to reinforce promotion, distribution and circulation of non-national European films and
audiovisual works to growing audiences across Europe;
- Foster exchange of knowledge and best-practice models for cooperation among festivals through coordinated/collaborative activities targeted to
expand and renew audiences;
- Harness the digital transformation, including developing and updating online tools and data applications.
The eligible activities of the network are those in relation to:
- Coordinated and collaborative activities aiming to expand audience development and interest for European films and audiovisual works;
- Coordination of the network members and activities relating to its sustainable structured development (e.g. collaborative events; sharing of know-how and information; communication among members);
- Coordinated and collaborative activities promoting sustainable and environmentally responsible practices;
- Support to audiovisual festivals taking place in MEDIA participatingcountries (through support to third parties).