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Call for projects to support the development of films and audiovisual works in Calabria - 2023

Session opening:

  • 09.01.2024

Session expirations:

  • 08.02.2024 Closed


The goals of this call are the promotion of the territory, awareness raising of the region’s natural and artistic heritage, development of the local tourism sector, promotion of the cultural, ecclesiastical, landscape and environmental resources and the historical, cultural, religious, economic, social, popular and anthropological traditions of Calabria.

With this call, the Calabria Film Commission Foundation intends to support, with grants, the development and pre-production of films and audiovisual works to be made in the territory of Calabria that respect the purposes outlined above.

It is aimed at the following:

  • development of ‘comedy’ films and TV series and content, set in Calabria;
  • where the development cost is equal to or greater than €25k;
  • with a minimum running time of 52 minutes.

The total budget for this call is €240 k.


  • Fondazione Calabria Film Commission
  • Cittadella Regione Calabria — Località Germaneto — 88100 Catanzaro
  • Phone: +39 0961 853836
  • Email: info@calabriafilmcommission.it
Link to the call Print Tab

Data sheet

Distribution channel

  • Cinema
  • Television

Film industry branch

  • Development

Eligible projects

  • Feature Film
  • TV series


  • Italian production company
  • Industry Professional - Italy

Maximum contribution

€ 80,000

Maximum quota on cost



Individuals who may apply must:

  • have a registered office in the European Economic Area;
  • be subject to taxation in Italy;
  • qualify as independent producers;
  • not be classified as non-European companies;
  • be registered in the ordinary section of the Companies Register as per article 2188 of the Italian Civil Code and operate with Ateco code 59.11;
  • have acquired, with a contract or purchase option, the creative processing rights to the story, the treatment, or other artistic material, useful to the production of the work.

A single company may present, whether individually or with other companies, ONE development project.

Payment schedule

The grant will be disbursed as follows:

  1. a) advance equal to 50% of the grant, following signature of Atto di Adesione e obbligo;
  2. b) balance of the remaining 50%, upon receipt of the relevant request.


The application must have a digital signature and be sent via PEC to the following address: avvisicfc@pec.it

Fundings in focus

All fundings