The aim of the MEDIA sub-programme’s "Automatic Distribution Support" is to support the transnational distribution of recent European films by two actions:
- Action 1 - Support to distributors: the applicant must be a European cinema/theatrical distributor involved in commercial activity designed to bring to the attention of a wide audience a film for the purpose of exploitation in cinema theatres. This shall be the principal activity of the company or division of the company.
- Action 2 - Support to Sales Agents: the applicant company must be a European Sales Agent, acting as an intermediary agent for the producer, who specialises in the commercial exploitation of a film by marketing and licensing a film to distributors or other purchasers for foreign countries.
The scheme works in two phases:
- Generation of a potential fund, proportional to the number of tickets sold during the reference period for non-national European films in countries participating in the MEDIA sub-programme, up to a fixed ceiling per film tailored to suit each country.
- Reinvestment: the potential fund thus generated by each company must be reinvested in:
- Action 1: the co-production of eligible non-national European films; the acquisition of distribution rights, for example by means of minimum guarantees, of eligible non-national European films; and/or in the release of eligible non-national European films.
- Action 2: minimum guarantees or advances paid for the international sales rights on eligible non-national European films; the promotion, marketing and advertising on the market of eligible non-national European films