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Iron Wings (Game)


Flight simulator

Iron Wings (Game)


Flight simulator


The location from Sicily that is reproduced most faithfully is Messina: we can see the Cathedral, the bell tower with its astronomical clock, the natural port and the falcated area with its statue of the Madonna, which was erected as a sign of gratitude after the 1908 earthquake, the Christ the Redeemer memorial monument, and a number of fortifications which are still standing to this day.
There are also geographical points of reference – although they are not detailed, with the exception of Vesuvius – for Salerno, Napoli-Capodichino Airport, Rome and Bolzano.  


The location from Sicily that is reproduced most faithfully is Messina: we can see the Cathedral, the bell tower with its astronomical clock, the natural port and the falcated area with its statue of the Madonna, which was erected as a sign of gratitude after the 1908 earthquake, the Christ the Redeemer memorial monument, and a number of fortifications which are still standing to this day.
There are also geographical points of reference – although they are not detailed, with the exception of Vesuvius – for Salerno, Napoli-Capodichino Airport, Rome and Bolzano.  

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Data sheet

Flight simulator

Naps Team


A flying arcade game set during the Second World War which focuses in particular on Operation Husky. The pilots – as stated in the official description for the game drawn up by Italian studio Naps Team – take on air-based and land-based missions in different settings: we go from 1940s New York to the Black Canyon, from Poland to Germany. Sicily and Campania also lend their backdrops to the game’s battles.  

The locations

National Park of Vesuvius
Region: Campania Type: Nature reserve / park Territory: Mountain
Harbor of Messina
Region: Sicilia Type: Port Territory: City, Sea

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