The sun-soaked landscapes of Sardinia provide the backdrop to an interior drama that unfolds after an accident blights the summer holidays of a wealthy, young Polish couple who rent an isolated seaside villa with a pool. The apparently idyllic life of Anna (Agnieszka Zulewska) and Adam (Dobromir Dymecki) is brusquely interrupted by a series of events: the fans don’t work and the drought means the swimming pool is empty. The transparent water of the sea, the beauty of the Mediterranean surroundings and the peace of the landscape are not enough to soothe the tension between the two, on the contrary their consciences appear profoundly rocked by the unexpected events and their consequences.
Directed by Aga Woszczynska, Silent Land shot in Alghero and Cheremule in September and October 2020, thanks to funding from Regione Sardegna and financing from MiC, with the support of Eurimages, PFI - Polish Film Institute and Fondazione Sardegna Film Commission.
The sun-soaked landscapes of Sardinia provide the backdrop to an interior drama that unfolds after an accident blights the summer holidays of a wealthy, young Polish couple who rent an isolated seaside villa with a pool. The apparently idyllic life of Anna (Agnieszka Zulewska) and Adam (Dobromir Dymecki) is brusquely interrupted by a series of events: the fans don’t work and the drought means the swimming pool is empty. The transparent water of the sea, the beauty of the Mediterranean surroundings and the peace of the landscape are not enough to soothe the tension between the two, on the contrary their consciences appear profoundly rocked by the unexpected events and their consequences.
Directed by Aga Woszczynska, Silent Land shot in Alghero and Cheremule in September and October 2020, thanks to funding from Regione Sardegna and financing from MiC, with the support of Eurimages, PFI - Polish Film Institute and Fondazione Sardegna Film Commission.