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cineturismo, location, cinema, turismo, film tourism, movie tour, Lago di Barcis, Barcis lake, lake of Barcis, Barcis, Valcellina, lago artificiale, sport lacustri, Riserva naturale, nature reserve, forra del Cellina , Foresta del Prescudin, Friuli, Nature Reserve Forra del Cellina, Prescudin forest

Barcis lake

Lago di Bàrcis, Barcis, PN, Italia

Barcis lake

Lago di Bàrcis, Barcis, PN, Italia



Man-made Barcis lake is situated at the heart of the Valcellina area, at an altitude of approximately 400m, taking its name from the residential settlement, Barcis (PD), on its northern shore.
Created in 1954 for hydroelectrical purposes, the water has green and blue glints and is used for many freshwater sports like windsurf, sailing, boating and fishing competitions.
Not far away are the Nature Reserve Forra del Cellina and the Prescudin forest.

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Tarmac road, Accessible with large vehicles, Accessible by car
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Friuli Venezia Giulia Film Commission
Piazza Duca degli Abruzzi 3 — 34132 Trieste
Phone: +39 040 3720142
Email: filmcommission@promoturismo.fvg.it

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Region Friuli Venezia Giulia
Friuli Venezia Giulia Film Fund

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