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cineturismo, location, cinema, turismo, film tourism, movie tour, Distillerie Poli, Poli Distilleries, Poli, vicenza, bassano del grappa, grappa, distilleria, distillery, museo della grappa, Grappa Museum, veneto, Italy for Movies

Poli Distilleries

Via Colombare, 54, 36060 Schiavon VI, Italy

Poli Distilleries

Via Colombare, 54, 36060 Schiavon VI, Italy


Distilleria Poli is a company that was established in 1898 in Schiavon (Vicenza), near Bassano del Grappa, a place famous for its grappa production.
With a family history of four generations, the company uses artisanal methods to produce distilled spirits and also shows visitors how grappa is made.
The heart of the structure is the ancient distillery where the grappa is produced with a copper alembic, a rarity nowadays, and small steam heaters. The Poli Grappa Museum next door offers an evocative museum route that extends over 5 rooms.


Data sheet

Tarmac road, Accessible with large vehicles, Accessible by car
Print sheet


Fondazione Veneto Film Commission
Via Carducci, 32 – 30171 Venezia Mestre
Phone: +39 041 279 43 38
Email: info@venetofilmcommission.com

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Di padre in figlia
TV series - 4 episodes
Directed by: Riccardo Milani