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Cineturismo, location, cinema, turismo, film tourism, movie tour, Abbazia di Santa Maria Valdiponte, Abbey of Santa Maria Valdiponte, Montelabate, Fiorenzo di Lorenzo, Bartolomeo Caporali, Sala del Capitolo, Perugia, Umbria

Abbey of Santa Maria Valdiponte – Montelabate

Abbazia Montelabate, Perugia, PG, Italia

Abbey of Santa Maria Valdiponte – Montelabate

Abbazia Montelabate, Perugia, PG, Italia


The Abbey of Santa Maria Valdiponte is an ancient Benedictine monastery that dates between the 9th-10th centuries, located north of Perugia amidst pristine nature and fir trees.

The complex holds a church and an elegant cloister, both rebuilt in the 13th century. Inspired by the upper church of the Basilica of St. Francis in Assisi, the Church of St. Mary has a single nave with cross vaulted ceiling and conserves paintings by Fiorenzo di Lorenzo and Bartolomeo Caporali. The cloister is connected to the ancient crypt, the Sala del Capitolo and a basement which is probably the site of the original church structure.

The Abbey reached the height of its power in the 11th century, thanks to its significant funds and control over 40 parishes, only to lose its autonomy in the 15th century when it passed to the Commendatory Abbots. It was occupied by Cistercians from the mid-17th century until 1860 when they were forced to leave with the Unification of Italy. The Abbey was later sold to Marquis Medici who adapted it into a villa with farm. Today it belongs to the Gaslini Foundation of Genoa.

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Tarmac road, Accessible with large vehicles, Accessible by car
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Fondazione Umbria Film Commission
Via M. Angeloni 61 — 06124 Perugia
Phone: 075-5045878
Email: info@umbriafilmcommission.com

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Tax credit - Credito di imposta per le imprese di produzione di videogiochi — Legge 220/2016 (art. 15)

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Biographical film
Directed by: Pupi Avanti

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Fonti del Clitunno
Region: Umbria Type: Abbey