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Abbey of Badia Petroia

Abbazia di Badia Petroia, Badia Petroia, PG, Italia

Abbey of Badia Petroia

Abbazia di Badia Petroia, Badia Petroia, PG, Italia


The Benedictine Abbey of Badia Petroia rises on a hill dominating the valley of the River Nestore, approximately 16km south of Città di Castello (PG). Founded by Marquis Ugo del Colle in approx. 960 C.E., its present appearance is due to significant transformations during the 15th and 16th centuries, at a time when the abbots were beginning to abandon the building having decided to move to the city. The Romanesque Church was deprived of one nave and the residential area was used for other purposes. In addition to these changes, the 1917 earthquake caused further damage, leaving the central space of the early church without a roof, which means it can often be confused with an inner courtyard. The crypt conserves the original tripartite layout and reveals a range of spolia in the ceiling supports. The church façade is studded with fine terracotta decorations, created between the 10th and 11th centuries.

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Tarmac road, Accessible with large vehicles, Accessible by car, Wheelchair not accessible
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Fondazione Umbria Film Commission
Via M. Angeloni 61 — 06124 Perugia
Phone: 075-5045878
Email: info@umbriafilmcommission.com

Film commission

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Tax credit - Credito di imposta per le imprese di produzione di videogiochi — Legge 220/2016 (art. 15)

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