The Sanctuary of Vicoforte (CN) dedicated to the Madonna of Vico, Regina Montis Regalis, is a masterpiece of Piedmont Baroque architecture and art. The complex began as a medieval sanctuary with a modest column, decorated with a 15th century fresco of the Madonna and Child, erected by a brick maker to bless the working of his kiln. The tradition holds that, in 1592, a hunter accidentally shot the image of the Madonna which then began to bleed. In just a few years, the place became a pilgrimage site, attracting the attention of Charles Emanuel I of Savoy who commissioned the construction of a large sanctuary in 1596 from his court architect Ascanio Vittozzi. The building, however, was only completed in the 19th century. Valuable 18th century frescoes cover a surface area of over 6,000 m2 and decorate the imposing elliptical cupola designed by architect Francesco Gallo, the largest of its genre and the fifth biggest in the world.
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