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cineturismo, location, cinema, turismo, film tourism, movie tour, muro lucano, ponte, bridge, pianello, borgo pianello, dirupo, cemento armato, reinforced concrete, Luigi Pistolese, arco parabolico, parabolic arch, meridione, Southern Italy, Basilicata, Lucania

Pianello Bridge – Muro Lucano

Via Pianello, Muro Lucano, PZ, Italia

Pianello Bridge – Muro Lucano

Via Pianello, Muro Lucano, PZ, Italia


The Pianello Bridge in the municipality of Muro Lucano (PZ) was one of the first in Southern Italy to be built of reinforced concrete. Its construction dates to 1916-1918 and was commissioned by the Mayor, engineer Luigi Pistolese, to replace a small medieval bridge.

The parabolic arch bridge – 76m long and 5m wide – crosses a ravine at the height of 105m. Still imposing today, it links the neighbourhood of Borgo Pianello with the hamlet of Capodigiano, 3km from the urban centre.

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Tarmac road, Accessible with large vehicles, Accessible by car, Accessible with off-road vehicles
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Lucana Film Commission
Via Madonna delle Virtù snc — 75100 Matera (sede legale); Corso Garibaldi 139 — 85100 Potenza (uffici)
Phone: +39 0971 665034
Email: email@lucanafilmcommission.it

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Region Basilicata
Facilities Basilicata

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