Since 1998 Palazzo Brambilla-Morpurgo houses a public state library under Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities: Biblioteca Statale Stelio Crise di Trieste.
Palazzo Brambilla-Morpurgo dates back to the first half of the XIX C (1840-1843) and it is located in a central area called Borgo Giuseppino. This Neoclassical palace was designed by Francesco Bruyn (an architect from Trieste) for Giuseppe Brambilla; bought then by Elio Morpurgo, it became one of the most elegant and luxury examples of upper middle class residences in town. The building, so linear and sober outside, surprises visitors with its richely decorated interiors.
Biblioteca Statale Stelio Crise di Trieste
Largo Papa Giovanni XXIII, 6 - 34123 Trieste
Tel: 040 300725 - 040 307463