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cineturismo, location, cinema, turismo, film tourism, movie tour, Darsena, San Paolo, Ferrara, po, delta, volano, Po di Volano, Delta del Po, pianura Padana, Padania plain, vegetazione acquatica, aquatic vegetation, castagna d’acqua, erba pesce, genziana, water chestnuts, floating fern, water gentian, libellule, dragonflies, uccelli acquatici, aquatic birds, Emilia, Romagna

Darsena di San Paolo – Ferrara

Via Darsena, Ferrara, FE, Italia

Darsena di San Paolo – Ferrara

Via Darsena, Ferrara, FE, Italia


Ferrara is located in the Padania plain, near the Po Delta. Its centre is about 6km south of the main branch of the River Po while a southern tributary, the Po di Volano, bounds the medieval city and its encircling walls. The Darsena of San Paolo follows the course of the Po di Volano. Extending over more than a hectare and used as a boat jetty, it features a range of aquatic vegetation, including water chestnuts, floating fern and water gentian, three species considered at risk of extinction. It is moreover a setting that attracts dragonflies and aquatic birds.

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Tarmac road, Accessible with large vehicles, Accessible by car, Accessible on foot, Wheelchair accessible
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Emilia-Romagna Film Commission
Viale Aldo Moro 38 — 40127 Bologna
Phone: +39 051 5278753
Email: filmcom@regione.emilia-romagna.it

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Region Emilia-Romagna
Facilities Emilia-Romagna

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Made in Italy
Film drama
Directed by: Luciano Ligabue

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River Po
Region: Emilia-Romagna Type: River