Once again in this second instalment, the Perugina School of Chocolate is at the centre of the story. Set in Perugia, a number of locations in the city centre and its surroundings were used: Palazzo della Provincia, which was turned into the police headquarters, the University for Foreigners, the Castello dell’Oca and Monterone Castle. In one of the most important scenes in the film, Mattia tries to kiss Nawal in Piazza 4 Novembre on their first date.
Other locations used include Terni, Piediluco Lake and Narni for the closing scenes.
Once again in this second instalment, the Perugina School of Chocolate is at the centre of the story. Set in Perugia, a number of locations in the city centre and its surroundings were used: Palazzo della Provincia, which was turned into the police headquarters, the University for Foreigners, the Castello dell’Oca and Monterone Castle. In one of the most important scenes in the film, Mattia tries to kiss Nawal in Piazza 4 Novembre on their first date.
Other locations used include Terni, Piediluco Lake and Narni for the closing scenes.
The sequel to Lezioni di cioccolato. Mattia is no longer with Cecilia and has returned against his will to work in the construction industry. Kamal has opened a patisserie but it’s not going well. They revive business once again with the help of Kamal’s daughter.