Polvo Serán (They Will Be Dust), written and directed by Carlos Marques-Marcet, is the story of the relationship between Claudia, a former dancer, and her life partner, Flavio. Bound by an unbreakable love, they tackle Claudia's serious illness together, balancing affections, family conflicts and an extreme choice.
Written by Marques-Marcet with Clara Roquet and Coral Cruz, Polvo Serán features Catalan composer and singer Maria Arnal and award-winning choreographer Marcos Morau, director of the dance company La Veronal.
The film stars Ángela Molina, Alfredo Castro and Mònica Almirall, a leading figure in the Atresbandes theatre group. The director of photography is Gabriel Sandru, the set design is by Laia Ateca and the editing by Chiara Dainese.
A Lastor Media (Spain), Kino produzioni (Italy), Alina Films (Switzerland) production, the film was shot in Barcellona, Bolzano, Castelrotto, Fiè allo Sciliar and on the Seceda in Alto Adige with the support of IDM Film Commission Südtirol who contributed a grant of €200k.
Polvo Serán (They Will Be Dust), written and directed by Carlos Marques-Marcet, is the story of the relationship between Claudia, a former dancer, and her life partner, Flavio. Bound by an unbreakable love, they tackle Claudia's serious illness together, balancing affections, family conflicts and an extreme choice.
Written by Marques-Marcet with Clara Roquet and Coral Cruz, Polvo Serán features Catalan composer and singer Maria Arnal and award-winning choreographer Marcos Morau, director of the dance company La Veronal.
The film stars Ángela Molina, Alfredo Castro and Mònica Almirall, a leading figure in the Atresbandes theatre group. The director of photography is Gabriel Sandru, the set design is by Laia Ateca and the editing by Chiara Dainese.
A Lastor Media (Spain), Kino produzioni (Italy), Alina Films (Switzerland) production, the film was shot in Barcellona, Bolzano, Castelrotto, Fiè allo Sciliar and on the Seceda in Alto Adige with the support of IDM Film Commission Südtirol who contributed a grant of €200k.
Claudia and Flavio's lives have been intertwined for so long that neither one is able to conceive of an existence without the other. When Claudia is given a terminal diagnosis, she decides to go to Switzerland to exercise her right to assisted suicide and Flavio resolves to support her decision. However, when their children return home and discover their intentions, tensions explode, and feelings and secrets resurface. Torn between loyalty to their love and the difficulty of making others understand their choices, Claudia and Flavio contemplate the end of a life, to be closed together.