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cineturismo, location, cinema, turismo, film tourism, movie tour, Craco, città fantasma, ghost town, Palazzo Grossi, Chiesa Madre, palazzo Carbone, Palazzo Maronna, torrione, torre normanna, Norman tower, Basilicata, Lucania


Craco, Strada Comunale Craco-Montalbano Jonico, 6, 75010 Craco, MT, Italy


Craco, Strada Comunale Craco-Montalbano Jonico, 6, 75010 Craco, MT, Italy


Craco (MT) is an abandoned borgo of medieval origins surrounded by badlands (calanchi). The town whose houses are perched around a square tower, dates to 1154-1168. In 1963 a substantial landslide forced the residents to leave their homes and find safer living conditions in the new town of Craco Peschiera. The old village was left frozen in time, its stone houses still clinging to the hillside dominated by the 13th century Norman tower.

Today it is possible to visit Craco on a guided itinerary, following a secure route that leads down the main thoroughfare to what is left of the old central square, which collapsed after the landslide, and to venture into the heart of the town. Noble residences dating to Craco’s major period of expansion in the 15th century include Palazzo Grossi near the Chiesa Madre which is frescoed with floral motifs, Palazzo Carbone with its monumental entrance and the ruins of Palazzo Maronna next to the tower.

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Tarmac road, Unmade road, Accessible by car, Accessible with off-road vehicles
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Lucana Film Commission
Via Madonna delle Virtù snc — 75100 Matera (sede legale); Corso Garibaldi 139 — 85100 Potenza (uffici)
Phone: +39 0971 665034
Email: email@lucanafilmcommission.it

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Region Basilicata
Facilities Basilicata

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Basilicata coast to coast
Film comedy
Directed by: Rocco Papaleo

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Region: Basilicata Type: Historical village (Borgo)