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cineturismo, location, cinema, turismo, film tourism, movie tour, Valli di Comacchio, pesca, fishing, fiume Po, delta del Po, Delta of the river Po, sito naturalistico, Zona umida d’importanza internazionale, Convenzione Ramsar, Sito di interesse comunitario, conservazione degli uccelli, casoni, tabarre, Foce, Coccalino, Donnabona, casone Pegoraro, casone Serilla, lavoriero, anguille, Comacchio, Reno, Emilia, Romagna

Valli di Comacchio and the fishing casoni

Valli Di Comacchio, Comacchio, FE, Italia

Valli di Comacchio and the fishing casoni

Valli Di Comacchio, Comacchio, FE, Italia


The Valli di Comacchio are a vast protected wetland complex (approximately 11,000 hectares of surface area) which features both brackish and salt water. A series of contiguous lagoons, separated from the Adriatic Sea by a coastal rise, it is located south of the Delta of the river Po, between the town of Comacchio and the Reno river.

Over the centuries, the inhabitants of the area built house and rustic huts used both for fishing and as lookouts to survey illegal fishing activities. These casoni and tabarre were first made with reeds and straw, later rebuilt with more rooms and in brick from the 17th century onwards. Rare examples of brick lookout casoni still exist today, now carefully restored, in the area of Foce, Coccalino, Donnabona plus two used for fishing, casone Pegoraro and casone Serilla. It is also possible to see a traditional lavoriero – a set-up of communicating basins used to separate eels from other types of fish as they are trapped.

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Tarmac road, Unmade road, Accessible with large vehicles, Accessible by boat
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Emilia-Romagna Film Commission
Viale Aldo Moro 38 — 40127 Bologna
Phone: +39 051 5278753
Email: filmcom@regione.emilia-romagna.it

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Film drama
Directed by: Michele Vannucci

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