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Villa Badoer – Fratta Polesine

Villa Badoer, Via Giovanni Tasso, Fratta Polesine, RO, Italia

Villa Badoer – Fratta Polesine

Villa Badoer, Via Giovanni Tasso, Fratta Polesine, RO, Italia


Villa Badoer in Fratta Polesine (province of Rovigo) was designed by Andrea Palladio, one of the greatest Italian architects of the 1500s, and is inscribed, with other Palladian villas in the Veneto region, as UNESCO World Heritage.
At the centre of a lawn bordered by farm buildings, the residential complex has a simple shape with a monumental portico with pediment preceded by a large, theatrical staircase. “Barchesse” (the servant’s wing of a Venetian villa) raised on columns extend from the sides in a semi-circle. These create a wide curve that encloses the space which makes the building one of Palladio’s most impressive.
The villa, as Palladio himself noted in one of his books, was decorated by Giallo Fiorentino, whose painted fantastical grotesque motifs in the portico and interiors were recovered during restoration work carried out by the Istituto Regionale Ville Venete.

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Tarmac road, Accessible with large vehicles, Accessible by car
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Fondazione Veneto Film Commission
Via Carducci, 32 – 30171 Venezia Mestre
Phone: +39 041 279 43 38
Email: info@venetofilmcommission.com

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Card created in collaboration with Polesine Film Commisssion

Polesine Film Commission
Consortium for the Development of Polesine - CONSVIPO
Viale delle Industrie 53 / B - 45100 Rovigo
Tel. 0425 412576 - 0425 171105
Fax 0425 419410

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