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cineturismo, location, cinema, turismo, film tourism, movie tour, Abbazia di Cerrate, Abbey of Cerrate, FAI, Museo delle arti e delle tradizioni popolari, Museum of Popular Arts and Traditions, Tancredi d'Altavilla, Lecce, Puglia, Apulia, Salento

Abbey of Cerrate

FAI - Abbazia di Santa Maria di Cerrate, SP100 km 5.900, Lecce, LE, Italia

Abbey of Cerrate

FAI - Abbazia di Santa Maria di Cerrate, SP100 km 5.900, Lecce, LE, Italia


Immersed in the countryside between Lecce and Squinzano, the Abbey of Cerrate was built in the 12th century and quickly become one of the most important monastic centres of Apulia and Southern Italy. The Church is a significant example of Romanesque architecture in Apulia whose façade echoes the tripartite interior and is decorated with three series of Lombard bands, two single windows and an ornate rose window. The doorway is embellished with reliefs of New Testament scenes. The interior was originally decorated with Byzantine frescoes dating between the 12th and 13th centuries, probably the work of Greek masters. Over the years, buildings grew up around the church, such as the 19th century monastery which now houses the Museum of Popular Arts and Traditions. Legend has it that the Abbey was founded by King Tancredi d’Altavilla when he had a vision of the Virgin Mary while deer hunting.

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Unmade road, Trail, Accessible with large vehicles, Accessible by car, Accessible with off-road vehicles
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Apulia Film Commission
Cineporti di Puglia/Bari — c/o Fiera del Levante - Lungomare Starita 1 — 70132 Bari
Phone: +39 080 9752900
Fax: +39 080 9147464
Email: email@apuliafilmcommission.it

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Region Puglia
Facilities Puglia

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Contacts FAI - Fondo Ambiente Italiano

Via Carlo Foldi 2 - 20135 Milano

Telefono: +39 02 46 76 15 393

Email: m.pizzorni@fondoambiente.it

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