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<p>Archeoparc,Val Senales,museo archeologico,capanne neolitiche,Schnalstal,archaeological museum</p>

Archeoparc Val Senales

archeoParc Schnalstal - Ötzi Museum, Senales, BZ, Italia

Archeoparc Val Senales

archeoParc Schnalstal - Ötzi Museum, Senales, BZ, Italia


Archeoparc in Schnalstal  (Val Senales) is an educational archaeological park and interactive museum that reproduces the habitat and way of life of Ötzi the Iceman and his contemporaries 5,300 years ago. The Copper Age mummy was found in 1991 with his clothing and equipment by two mountaineers on the Val Senales glacier.
Archeoparc displays a permanent exhibition about Ötzi and the era when he lived. The outdoor area hosts a 1:1 scale reconstruction of Neolithic huts with plants that existed and were known 5,000 years ago.
The visit to the museum is a truly immersive experience where visitors are invited to participate in activities such as making bread, archery, working clay or leather and much more.

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Tarmac road, Accessible with large vehicles, Accessible by car
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IDM Film Fund & Commission — Alto Adige
Via del Macello, 73 — 39100 Bolzano
Phone: +39 0471 094 294
Email: luisa.giuliani@idm-suedtirol.com

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Region Alto Adige
Facilities Alto Adige

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Shooting authorisation:

Archeoparc, Johanna Niederkofler, Unser Frau -

Madonna 163, 39020 - Schnals - Senales (Bz),

T +39 0473 676020,

F +39 0473 676263,

E johanna.niederkofler@archeoparc.it

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